Sunday, January 24, 2010

Favorite Place on Campus*Blog 2

Exploring the campus has never been a favorite past time of mine. Until this semester, I pretty much drove to class and then drove home; however, because of new circumstances, this semester I spend much of my day at the library studying. Last week I found my favorite place on campus because I decided I didn’t need to use a computer. I sat in the courtyard in front of the library. The time was circa 3:30. I pulled out my books onto a silver table that still caught the light of the setting sun and took a moment to realize where I was.

Guys throw a football around on the library lawn, while other students study in the grass. Palm trees line the bank of the pond, with blue picnic tables to contrast the green leaves, also scatter with educated minds. On a good day, like the one last week, there is a breeze just strong enough to blow textbooks close, without being gust like. The pond, just beyond the balcony, contains fish, turtles and sometimes the occasional alligator. The scene is almost distracting because it is so awesome. For now, this is my favorite spot on campus. It is very mellow in a very contradicting way. People constantly walk in and out of the library and/or Starbucks, but once I put my headphones on I am in my own little world, relaxing as I attempt to increase my brain capacity.

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