Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sustainability*Blog 3

According to, “the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 declared as its goal a national policy to ‘create and maintain conditions under which [humans] and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans.’" To me, this means that sustainability is obviously very important in the world we live in today and should continue to be if we would still like to be alive in it.

Being an English major, I have read several novels and novellas that describe in detail the beauty of nature so it is impossible not to absolutely fall in love with it. Influences such as these encourage cohabitation with the forests, rivers, animals etc. in an underlying manner. Usually there aren’t people talking to me directly about ecosystems, but descriptive words painting a picture, causing awareness about what needs to be saved if it is endangered. As for my career, or future career I suppose, I hope to be outside for parts of my job. I hope to be in a ball park outside, covering baseball or football preferably. I don’t know if that counts or not—some of the elements are there.

To be honest, even though I do read often about nature, I don’t really give too much back in ways to maintain the natural resources around me. I pretty much take in the cool weather when we have it, listen to the palm fronds rustle as a breeze pushes them together, and stomp on the grass probably killing it when I play soccer. About all I do is recycle and that’s really only when I am home for short periods of time.

When I first looked at FGCU, I didn’t know it was such an environmentally oriented school. I just knew that they were starting a soccer team and wanted me to play for it. Since I have attended classes here, I definitely have seen the big push to be eco-friendly and “green.” I took Environmental Health my freshmen year and that class opened my eyes a bit to what was going on in the nature world. I believe Colloquium will further my education on sustainability and get me into a habit of thinking about how I can coexist with the environment around me.

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