Tuesday, April 13, 2010

FGCU and Sustainability * Blog 14

Being as big of an environmental school as FGCU is, the students on this campus have really stepped up in working to make it as green as possible.

The first thing most people, who need to throw something away, spot when they walk on campus are the forest green trash compactors. They not only compact trash into smaller substances, but they do it by being solar powered.
These trash cans and recycle bins are placed on most corners and outside all of the restaurants. I think FGCU should make it a point to putting them inside Jamba Juice, the Perch, SoVi, Subway/Taco Bell and Einstein’s.

There is a recycling project called Recyclemania going on right now. It is a competition between many schools to see who can recycle the most. Friendly competition will also make students more aware of the benefits of recycling.

Another thing happening that is making campus more sustainable is the tap water project set up by student government. Many of the water fountains now have spigots that students and faculty can refill their water bottles with. FGCU is trying to cut down on the use of plastic water bottles that are constantly being thrown away if people don’t recycle them. Last week student government was handing out green water bottles that can easily attach to back packs in hopes students will start using them on a daily basis.

The same thing happens in athletics at the start of every year. Each student athlete is given a water bottle for practices and games, therefore, cutting down on the amount of plastic cups being used every day. Now this is actually done so that the athletic department doesn’t have to build cups into their budget, but supplying the water bottles gets the job done environmentally as well.

Building the solar panel field is another way FGCU has contributed to sustainability. Much of the energy comes being used in campus buildings is from the panels. It is a great way to save on electricity and other things fueling FGCU.

Faculty and students are always looking for new ways to make FGCU more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

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