Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Me * Blog 15

There comes a day when all good things must come to an end…unfortunately for these Colloquium blogs tonight is that day. Yes I am cutting it close to the due time, but I wanted to spend as much time with my blogger.com colloquium blog as I possibly could before they become lost into internet oblivion.

Okay, so that last part might have been a bit sarcastic, but I really have enjoyed writing these blogs. I think it has given us a great way to be a little creative with the pictures instead of printing on plain black and white pages or writing with pen and pencil. Also, and most importantly, seeing as this is an environmental class, it has cut down on paper use.

Dr. Snapp: Thank you for exposing me to the different environments we have so close to our school and my temporary home. You have made me aware of the sustainable possibilities around my friends and me that I hope to continue to spread to more of my friends. I appreciate the time and effort you put into the class.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, the trip to downtown Fort Myers was my favorite out of the four environments we experienced. To learn that Day of the Dead was filmed there is absolutely fascinating. When I think Fort Myers, I don’t think of it as a hot spot for Hollywood directors to film a cult classic. It just goes to show that people, such as myself, take advantage of the landscaping and weather that we have every day, and don’t imagine it as something unique and indigenous to the area.

Another high point I think was the service learning I did with my friends. I believe we all had a great time not only teaching the youth soccer skills, but also the importance of keeping their practice/game fields clean. It was great being able work with a group so that we could share our knowledge with a larger amount of kids.

I think my only complaint about the class and what I found to be most difficult, is that the final post test shouldn’t be worth 5% of our grades. To attempt to study several different essays for maybe ten questions is rather impossible to do. I think the blogs and papers reflect what and how much we learned this past semester—not a standardized test.

As I have said previously in other blogs and papers, I want to be a sports journalist. This profession should (hopefully) keep me in the outdoors depending on what sports I’ll be covering. I would very much like to work outside—at least in the fall, spring and summer—in the New England area. It is an environment totally different from southwest Florida and I’m super excited at the prospect of living there.

Overall, I think Colloquium is a good class for creating awareness of the southwest environment and the effects of climate change.

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